PCIT in Germany
PCIT implementation in Germany started in 2008 when Wolfgang Briegel, M.D., Director of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy program at the Leopoldina Hospital, Schweinfurt, decided to bring PCIT to Germany. Since then, enormous efforts have been made to translate all materials needed for therapy and training, to evaluate assessment instruments (ECBI and DPICS) and therapy, and to train PCIT therapists and trainers. This implementation process has been mostly supervised by PCIT Global Trainer Regina Bussing, M.D., from the University of Florida, Gainesville, USA. In 2012, Wolfgang Briegel became one of the first PCIT Global Trainers outside the U.S. So far, almost 100 trainees from Austria, Germany and Switzerland have attended PCIT workshops in Schweinfurt. An absolutely outstanding event was the first PCIT World Congress with about 115 participants from all over the world, which took place in Schweinfurt in June 2018. Current Situation
PCIT is now increasingly recognised in Germany as an evidence-based intervention for 2-6 year old children (especially for disruptive behaviour problems) and is explicitly recommended by the German child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy guidelines for this age group. Currently, there are 16 certified PCIT therapists in Germany (among them three Level I Trainers and a Global Trainer) across different federal states. In Schweinfurt, which is still the very heart of PCIT in the German speaking countries, all training elements necessary for certification as a PCIT therapist or Level I / II trainer are offered. Selected Literature
W. Briegel, T. Walter, M. Schimek, D. Knapp, R. Bussing (2015). Parent-Child Interaction Therapy im In-room-Coaching. Ergebnisse einer ersten deutschen Fallstudie. Kindheit und Entwicklung,24(1), 47-54. W. Briegel: Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (2016) Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 44(6):455-465. N. Heinrichs, I. Kamp-Becker, R. Bussing, M. Schimek, A. Becker & W. Briegel (2018). Disruptive Behaviors across Different Disorders: Evaluation of a Clinical Sample Using the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory. Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie, accepted for publication. Contact information
Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie, Leopoldina-Krankenhaus der Stadt Schweinfurt, Gustav-Adolf-Str. 4, 97422 Schweinfurt. Phone.: 0049-9721-720-3370 FAX: 0049-9721-720-2901 Email: [email protected] Training information: Akademie für Psychotherapie im Kindes- und Jugendalter, Schweinfurt: https://www.leopoldina-krankenhaus.com/beruf-bildung/akademie-fuer-psychotherapie-im-kindes-und-jugendalter/ |