PCIT Provider Materials/Handouts
As an assessment-driven treatment, PCIT is guided by weekly data from the ECBI and DPICS. These well-standardized instruments are supplemented by additional measures the clinician may select for careful tracking of individual presenting complaints of families during treatment. Below are descriptions and references for some key assessment tools used in PCIT.
Materials for Treatment Delivery
- PCIT 2011 Treatment Protocol (one per therapist) $44
- Clinical Manual for the Dyadic Parent-Child Interaction Coding System (DPICS-IV; one per therapist) $40- The DPICS is a behavioral coding system that measures the quality of parent-child social interactions. It is used to monitor progress in parenting skills during treatment and provides an objective, well-validated measure of changes in child compliance after treatment. The manual presents many studies documenting the reliability and validity of individual DPICS categories. The DPICS (4th edition) is available in the PCIT Store.
- DPICS-IV Workbook (one per therapist) $15
- ECBI- The ECBI is a 36-item parent report instrument used to assess common child behavior problems that occur with high frequency among children with disruptive behavior disorders. It is sensitive to changes with treatment and used to monitor weekly progress in PCIT.
- Therapy Attitude Inventory- The TAI is a 10-item parent-report scale of satisfaction with the process and outcome of therapy.
- Appropriate PCIT toys (a selection of PCIT-appropriate toys, including toys for younger and older children available; See CDI Teach Session within PCIT Protocol for examples) estimate $300-$500
- Storage tubs for easy clean-up and storage.
- Sanitizing materials for toys
Supporting Materials
CDI Homework Sheet- This form is a fillable PDF. Please discuss with your families about your agency's policies related to email communications before sending this form electronically in any format. This form should be used as back-up for misplaced forms. |
Pocket PCIT- This interactive free e-book is for families who are either in or have already finished Parent-Child Interaction Therapy or PCIT. This resource is not meant to replace therapy. Instead, it is meant to support families in practicing PCIT skills with their child outside of session. |
Modifiable PCIT Agency Brochure Template (Powerpoint version) |
Parent Directed Interaction Picture Book
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