Professionals: Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs for Therapists
What is the cost to be trained in PCIT?
What materials/equipment do I need to do PCIT?
I’d like to use the DPICS but won’t be conducting PCIT. How do I become a reliable DPICS coder?
Can I do PCIT if I am not certified?
How do I become certified?
Do I need to use the ECBI in every session?
Can I do PCIT with children with co-morbid disorders like autism?
What is PCIT's stance on the use of time-outs?
What is Teacher Child Interaction Training?
Where can I get help with clinical questions I have about the families I am currently working with?
What is the cost to be trained in PCIT?
- The cost of training varies by type of training (therapist vs. trainer) and trainer
- For more specific information regarding the cost of training, feel free to check out upcoming trainings or contact Global Trainers or Regional Trainers I trainers directly.
What materials/equipment do I need to do PCIT?
- More information about room set-up and suggested materials can be found here.
- Each agency may use a different configuration other than those listed on to ensure HIPAA compliance and/or agency specifications.
I’d like to use the DPICS but won’t be conducting PCIT. How do I become a reliable DPICS coder?
- Consider contacting Global Trainers to learn about possible training options specifically related to the DPICS.
Can I do PCIT if I am not certified?
- Read here for the benefits of getting certified by PCIT International
How do I become certified?
- Learn more about the certification process here.
Do I need to use the ECBI in every session?
- Administration of the ECBI at every session is consistent with the PCIT International Treatment Protocol
- The ECBI provides weekly valuable information from the caregiver's perspectives of the intensity of the child's disruptive behaviors and whether the caregiver views a specific behavior as a problem.
- The ECBI allows for weekly tracking of caregiver reports of progress
- The therapist can utilize item analysis of the ECBI to determine specific behaviors that are not decreasing in intensity and target those behaviors within coaching.
- The ECBI helps determine one portion of PCIT graduation criteria.
Can I do PCIT with children with co-morbid disorders like autism?
- There is emerging evidence that PCIT can be helpful in reducing disruptive behaviors in children with ASD. However, PCIT is not designed to be a stand-alone treatment for ASD. See PCIT literature for additional details.
What is PCIT's stance on the use of time-outs?
- PCIT International endorses the use of time-out within the context of the following position statement
What is Teacher Child Interaction Training?
- Teacher-Child Interaction Training (TCIT) was adapted from PCIT.
- TCIT is a live coaching classroom intervention for young children.
- TCIT focuses on enhancing teacher-student relationships and implementing effective classroom behavior management techniques.
Where can I get help with clinical questions I have about the families I am currently working with?
- Certified PCIT therapists have the option to participate in monthly group consultation calls
- There is also a Certified PCIT Therapist Listserv where consultation questions can be submitted.
- If additional consultation is required, consider contacting Global Trainers or Regional Trainers in your area.